Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Royal chocolate biscuit cake

There was a wedding last week. Some of you may have watched it. I most certainly did, along with a group of local ladies who dressed to the nines and drank Champagne with me whilst ooing and ahhing over the dress, the hats......  I laid on the full English spread, cucumber sarnies, clotted cream scones, Corination chicken, the was ,however ,the chocolate biscuit cake that stole the show.
Here it is in all its wickedness......

  Actually its really simple to make...just need a few English (or ethnic !!!) ingredients and Bob's your Uncle.

6 oz butter
2 tbsp Golden Syrup
9 oz dark chocolate
10 oz digestive biscuits
3 oz raisins

Lightly grease a 9 inch tin.

 Melt the butter ,golden syrup and chocolate together in a heavy pan,and stir until smooth.
I've found this locally in Fred Meyer and even Albertons.....

These were a little more difficult to track down, but Fred Meyer and Lady Di's came up

Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin, leaving some decent chunks,and add the chocolate and raisins, stirring well.   Pour into your tin and refrigerate until its firm.....cut into what ever size  portions you can decently get away with.


 Here a few pics of the other goodies we enjoyed....

A right British knees up!!!!