Friday, November 12, 2010

The Frying Scotsman

There are times when you yearn for a taste of home....well fish and chips to be completely honest.....and if you are in Portland, this is the place ,the real deal, the centre of fish and chip headquarters.  Its owned and run by a Glasgow export  called "slim Jim" ...he obviously doesn't eat much of his own fare so be  "slim". The Teenager and I visited his establishment-aka his van - several months ago but have never had enough time to return....but today was the day ,and return we did.  They've moved locations into Downtown , which as The Teenager said "was a right performance " to park......and then we couldn't find him in the food cart throng of 9th and Alder.....but there he was , eventually ,right next to A Taste of India.What a dilemma,I nearly succumbed to some Balti Chicken....
   But no ,we'd come for fish and chips so that's what we had.  There is slim Jim working at speed during the lunch time rush.....
The Teenager is such a creature of habit, he had the cod.....always... and I had the Halibut.

See the Teenagers fork....he was about to stab me with it  for making him pause during his gastrofest ,to take a picture!!

Yummy flaky fish....

Even the pigeons enjoyed the leftovers....bit like being in Trafalgar Square all over again!!


  1. {Slobber}
    There's nothing like good fish and chips, and big fat chips like these, that soak up the vinegar.
    Did he have sloppy peas ?
    I'm envious :)

  2. Yes to mushy peas...deep fried Mars Bars - the lot!! He also does "specials" like Scottish Tablet...never had it but I think its some sort of candy made from condenced milk.....
